You Make me Feel... Crazy in Love

I can hear the whispers coming over the horizon

Music from a time long past 

empty to some 

But Wisdom to others 

Sylvester made me feel 

Like I can climb the ladder of my double helix 

Reach deep into my ancestry 

And connect to that thing 

Which they will claim is new 

But we both know Is older then the labels they call us

Can you hear them?

 hidden in the groves and snares 

They pop like fireworks in my ear

They blot out the sky 

Oh you can’t?

I forgot we are not the same

You see I am a gateway that connects past and present

Because I actually have a past

You are cloaked in an identity so new 

I’m still feeding it at my breast

You bite 

And as I watch the blood mix with the milk in your mouth 

It’s no wonder you can only speak war 

How despite your youth you’ve managed to beat me

Trick me

Confuse me into believing I don’t exist

Uh Oh

The whispers are closer

As they near their hidden rhythms 

push me from your grasp

I’m taken beyond say the horizon of verisimilitude

Where your tricks no longer deceive

I ride the rhythm

While you stutter along

As your knees knock off beat

Tripping and falling over a dance

That will only be a costume for you

As i move 

I fall crazy in love

With myself

No longer in need of your validation

Because you cannot accept what you can’t understand

And until you let the ancient rhythms move you

As they have moved me

Until you see the restraints all around you

And dissolve the barriers between us

You will continue to make me feel

Less then all that I am

*This poem was performed at the Black in Space Pride Showcase
