The sun's rays filtered through the trees at the location of Mundy and I's second film shoot for her song Dark Leo. This time around I was armed with the knowledge you can only receive by getting behind the camera. I used spend hours watching tutorials about how to get the "film look" or the best camera settings for getting great footage so that when I finally picked up a camera the resulting images would be perfct. But that's not how things work in reality.
The idea behind this shoot was to break her song Dark Leo up into three sections and film mini fashion films around each one. My thighs were on fire squatting to ensure the shot came out just how I wanted to. Thankfully, I have since invested in a tripod so film shoots need not double as my exercise regime.
For part two we wanted to do a single take, to mimic the idea of an alien awakening on planet Earth. This merged perfectly with Mundy's space glam rock inspired music. If you haven't seen her live you are truly missing out. Mundy brings so much raw kinetic energy to her shows.